Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Percussion Workshop

On Tuesday, we all came into school excited to participate in our next TY workshop with Dave. We began our workshop by each choosing an African drum to play on, we played on drums called 'Djembe Drums'. We learned how to play lots of different rhythms on these drums.

Next we moved on to creating Poly-rhythm sounds, playing different rhythms on various instruments. I never knew there was so many different African instruments that are used daily, I like others, just assumed the Bongo was the main instrument used!

Near the  our workshop, we had a freestyle period! This was where we seperated into groups and created our own rhythms with the drums and other instruments.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

London Fashion Week

As you may know, I did a work experience placement with the fashion designer John Rocha in Dublin. I was busy helping the designers cut out leaf shapes from the fabrics. Last week, John Rocha took part in London Fashion week and showcased some of his designs on the Runway. Some of the outfits I helped create were featured in the show! It was so crazy to see this!

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Junk Kouture: Semi-Finalists

The semi-finalists for Junk Kouture were announced this week, and I'm proud to say a group from our school has qualified! These two girls worked really hard on their outfit and well deserved to qualify to the semi-finals! Best of luck in the competition!

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

DEAR Moment

Our English teacher organised a DEAR (Drop everything and read) moment for us at school this week, we went down to the library and chose a book to read!
I decided to read the Hunger Games by Sazanne Collins, this is one of my favourite series of books!


In Home Ec, we have been working on making our own handmade teddy bears! We bought some materials and began work on our teddy bears!

I chose to use these two materials to make my teddy bear, Denim and a Floral-patterned cotton fabric.

We began making our teddy bear by cutting out templates.

Once all the templates were cut out, we used the templates to cut out our fabric. Once our fabric was cut out we began tacking the pieces together, preparing them for sewing!

These are all of the materials we will be using to make our teddy  bear!

Monday, 11 February 2013

Cassette Tape Art Portraits

We are currently working on an Art project at the moment in which we are all creating portraits from cassette tapes. I chose to make a portrait of Niall Horan for my project.
I began by choosing a picture of Niall and using a photo editor to change the photo from colour to a simple black and white. From the black and white photo I drew the portrait of Niall, only shading in the black areas from the photograph.
Once my drawing was complete, I began to stick down pieces of cassette tapes on to the black spaces on my drawing.

Here are some expamples of what our finished masterpiece will look like!
Michael Jackson

Audrey Hepburn

Friday, 8 February 2013

Caresse Sur L'ocean

Our choir is currently preparing to enter into the Wesley School's Choir Competition at the end of this month! We have been very busy practicing our song 'Caresse Sur L'ocean' from the french movie 'Les Choristes'. I really enjoy singing this song, I think it sounds really well with the piano accompaniment. I sing the Soprano II line along with all the other sopranos!

Above is a clip of the choir from the Les Choristes movie singing the piece!

I am really enjoying being part of the choir this year, and I am looking forward to performing this piece at Wesley!

Blog soon-Abbie